This is a very useful chip. It can actually control two motors. ENis connected to a PWM enabled output pin on the Arduino. Motor Driver ICs are primarily used in autonomous . Find this and other hardware projects on .
The shield contains two L293D motor drivers and one 74HC5shift register. First make ground and Vcc connections on the breadboard from arduino. Het bevat twee L293D motor drivers en een 74HC5schuifregister.
Program, circuit, and detailed working . The L293D motor driver IC is also known as the H-bridge IC. Tot tweerichting-DC motoren met afzonderlijke – bit . The right driver module or shield depends on the motor.
Do you know the voltage and the stall current of the motors ? L293D is a monolithic integrate high voltage, high current, 4-channel driver. Can drive DC motors or 2 . A each bridge with thermal . L293D een monolithische geïntegreerde, hoogspanning, hoge stroom, 4-channel driver, kan gelijkstroommotoren en voedingen van tot Volt, de L293D chip . L293d is a suitable device to use for stepper motors, gear motors etc.